
Connecting to AWS S3 with R

Connecting AWS S3 to R is easy thanks to the aws.s3 package. In this tutorial, we’ll see how to Set up credentials to connect R to S3 Authenticate with aws.s3 Read and write data from/to S3 1. Set Up Credentials To Connect R To S3 If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to create an AWS account. Sign in to the management console. Search for and pull up the S3 homepage.

Google Analytics in R (Part 1)

In this tutorial, we’ll anlayze the performance of my website using Google Analytics, R, and googleAnalyticsR. Setup Before we get started with R, I’m assuming you have some basic familiarity with Google Analytics. For example, if you want to use Google Analytics with R, you’ll obviously need to set up a Google Analytics account and property (i.e. website), and you’ll need to insert your google analytics tracking code into your website.

Google Analytics in R (Part 2)

In case you missed it, here’s part 1 in a nutshell. library(googleAnalyticsR) # Authenticate googleAuthR::gar_auth_service( json_file = "/Users/bgorman/Documents/Projects/R/googleAnalyticsR/gormanalysis-7b0c90a25f87.json", scope = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly" ) googleAuthR::gar_set_client( json = "/Users/bgorman/Documents/Projects/R/googleAnalyticsR/client_secret.apps.googleusercontent.com.json", scopes = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly") ) ## 2020-06-24 08:50:08> Setting client.id from /Users/bgorman/Documents/Projects/R/googleAnalyticsR/client_secret.apps.googleusercontent.com.json ## [1] "gormanalysis" # Query list of accounts (to get viewId) accounts <- ga_account_list() accounts[, c("accountName", "webPropertyName", "viewId", "viewName")] ## # A tibble: 1 x 4 ## accountName webPropertyName viewId viewName ## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Ben519 GormAnalysis 79581596 All Web Site Data Analyses I think the best way to familiarize yourself with the google analytics API is just to walk through various analyses.

Pulling Shopify Data Into R With shopr

In this tutorial I’ll show you how to use the shopr package to fetch data from a Shopify shop into R. (Not to be confused with the shopifyr package.) Disclaimer I’m the author of shopr. Setup Install shopr The first thing you should do is install the shopr package. I haven’t tried submitting it to CRAN (perhaps I will in the future), so for now you need to install it directly from github.

Google Ads Keyword Matching Guide

I run an online t-shirt shop. I recently noticed that one of my keywords, binary tree shirt, generated a click. Problem is, the person who clicked on my ad was searching for edd china binary t shirt which is distinctively different than the binary tree shirt I’m selling. That money may have been better spent if I threw it in a wishing well. How can I prevent this from happening in the future?

An R User's Guide To Setting Up Python

In this guide I’ll cover how I set up Python with a few tips and tricks to make it an easier transition from R and RStudio. Anaconda We’ll be using the Anaconda distribution to install Python. AFAIK, the main reason Anaconda exists is because it allows you to have multiple instances of Python installed and potentially running at the same time. If you do freelance work like myself, this can be useful if client ABC uses Python 3.